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Dog Sledding PC Games & Movies

As people are getting more interested in dog sledding, game developers and movie makers are getting interested in it too. They are releasing new games and movies related dog sledding. Since the beginning developers are including dog sledding in the pc games. There are a number of games related dog sledding. “The Yukon Trail” can be considered as one of the most successful dog sledding games. It was developed by MECC in 1994. The event of the game starts in the late 1800’s when mining was at its golden age. Initially the player is given bonus with which he can buy supply for dog sledding. The real adventure begins next. Another successful game of dog sledding is “Circa”. It was released in 1995. It was for Apple II computer and for MS-DOS. It was pretty much popular. In this game you have to lead a sled dog. You have to fix the position of each dog and maintain them well. Zynga has recently released a limited edition set of items in Farmville called “winter wonderland”. In this version of game dog sledding racing has been added. It is pretty popular in face book, twitter and MySpace.
A number of movies have been released relating dog sledding. Some of them are very popular. The list is increasing as more dog sledding movies are releasing every year. White fang, Silver Wolf, Call of the wild, Iron wills, Snow dogs are some of the popular movies. White fang was released in 1991. It was developed from Jack London’s classic adventure story about the friendship developed between a Yukon gold hunter and the mixed dog-wolf he rescues from the hands of a man who mistreats him. It became very popular at that time. Silver wolf was released in 1999. It is a heart teaching movie in which a ranger and his 16 year old nephew struggle to save a wolf from a rancher, who is out to kill it. Call of the wild was released in 1972. In 2009 call of the wild 3D version was released. In this movie a house dog is abducted and brought to the north as a sled dog. Iron wills was released in 1994. The struggling of a county boy to win a dog sledding racing was focused in this movie. “Snow dogs” was released in 2002. It is a funny movie in which a Miami dentist decides to enter a local dog sledding race after the dogs were willed to him by his mother. This was a huge hit all over the world. There are many other wonderful movies related to dog sledding. A number of television shows was released related to dog sledding. This includes Stone Fox, Kyla: A cry in the wilderness, Sergeant Preston of the Yukon and many others. These were successful too. There are a lot of other movies and television shows which included dog sledding. Lara Croft: Tomb Raider also included dog sledding in a particular action scene.
The attraction for dog sledding movies and games are increasing. That’s why a lot of movies, television shows and games have been made and many of them are in ongoing process. This is increasing the popularity of the dog sledding and many people are getting interested in dog sledding watching dog sledding movies and playing dog sledding games.


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